This special Collector’s Edition of The New American commemorates the world-historical proportions and importance of the Trumpworld mass movement, its achievements in placing Donald Trump into the Oval Office, and the implications of its continuing influence on American life in the near-term future. (2021ed)

This 98 page bookazine includes:

  • Trumpworld vs. The Deep State
  • A Visual Timeline
  • America: Yesterday and Today
  • The Awakening

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In 2016, the unthinkable happened. A mass movement of Americans arose to say “no” in one voice to the mainstream political establishment’s favored choice for president, Hillary Clinton. Instead, this new mass movement selected a candidate from the outside, one the establishment considered unelectable and did not take seriously: Donald Trump.

Although Trump has stood as a colossus athwart the political stage in the time since, the real story was, and continues to be, the mass movement of Americans who put him into office and who continue to oppose — with fervent patriotism — the political establishment. Perhaps never before in American history has there been such a movement.

This mass movement is Trumpworld, and as much as it has impacted the last several years, it seems poised to create an unprecedented inflection point in American politics in the future as it reacts to the rapid leftward lurch of the Biden administration. This special collector’s edition of The New American commemorates the world-historical proportions and importance of the Trumpworld mass movement, its achievements in placing Donald Trump into the Oval Office, and the implications of its continuing influence on American life in the near future.